The Foundation receives contributions from citizens interested in the Foundation’s programs. Contributions are restricted in use to the specific program to which you donate. ARF charges a 5% administrative fee on all gifts of $300 to $100,000. Larger gifts will be assessed 5% on the first $100,000, then 1% above the $100,000 level. These fees are used to support special projects that benefit Oregon State University researchers and to pay for Foundation operations, if needed. The Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation. Gifts and charitable bequests to the Foundation are deductible and can help accrue tax benefits.
If you are interested in contributing to any of our programs, you can donate directly from this website by using the "Donate" buttons below for the listed projects. If you would like to make an online contribution but your program of interest is not listed, make your contribution to the Agricultural Research Foundation general account - the donation button directly below this paragraph. On the second page in the donation process there is a link titled "Add special instructions to the seller." In the memo box associated with this link, tell us the program to which you would like to donate. Thanks for your support!
Or, learn more or donate to a specific project or program.