The Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center, with facilities in Pendleton and Moro, is a branch of the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station at OSU's College of Agricultural Sciences. The Pendleton Station is co-located with the Columbia Plateau Conservation Research Center, a unit of the USDA-Agricultural Research Service.
Field research at both Pendleton and Moro emphasizes the production of wheat and rotational crops such as barley, legumes, and canola. Scientists at the Columbia Basin Center specialize in research and extension work important to the production of field crops on 2 million acres in north-central and northeastern Oregon. Wheat and barley in this region generate more than $300 million annually.
CBARC presents their annual Pendleton Field Day the 2nd Tuesday in June each year. The next day, (typically the 2nd Wednesday in June), the annual Sherman Station Field Day takes place in Moro.
The day features tours and displays of research in plant breeding, wheat disease, weed control, soil fertility and cropping systems. USDA and OSU scientists have been conducting field tours at these locations every year since 1930 and we are very proud to continue this tradition today.
The Field Day is designed to demonstrate to the growers and public what is being performed at the research center, provide education to the attendees as well as increase the growers’ potential profit margins. Typically CCA (Certified Crop Adviser) credits and Pesticide Applicator credits are available to attendees free of charge.
Field Day is open to the public and invites everyone who has an interest in dryland crop systems.
The annual Field Day is hosted by USDA-ARS and OSU-CBARC. The generous support provided by local and industry businesses make this event possible free of charge for all attendees.
For more details about these events please see our event website.
Your generous tax-deductible donation will be acknowledged during the event, ensuring our attendees are aware who made this event possible.