With your help, we will sustain and expand our work on the Dry Farming Project. Since 2013, with some support from grants (USDA NIFA Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program and Western SARE) we have done case studies, demonstrations, field days, education and outreach events, and now participatory research with growers all over the maritime Pacific Northwest and beyond in the Dry Farming Collaborative (DFC).
The OSU Extension Small Farms Program support for the Dry Farming Project could look multiple ways in the future depending on the resources available:
1. Facilitate networking and communication via the DFC Facebook Group and email list for growers to network and meet once a year - support needed $500/annually.
2. Host a dry farming trial at an OSU site and coordinate at least three field days annually at DFC trial sites - estimated support needed $5000 annually.
3. Source, subsidize, and distribute plant material for participatory research trials with the DFC. Time and materials for this will increase as the network grows. For 2017, we have 30 dry farm trial hosts and estimate the cost for support at this level to be $7500 annually.
4. Coordinate and offer support for DFC research trials. Develop educational materials (extension publications, videos, resource hub on OSU Small Farms website) to help growers new to the project understand the basics of dry farming - estimated support needed $10,000 annually.
5. Develop tools and resources for participatory climate adaptation research to help inspire other projects in the Pacific Northwest and beyond - estimated $15,000 annually.
Help shape and sustain the Dry Farming Project in co-creating the future of how we manage water on our farms and building a more resilient food system for future generations!