Researcher & Unit |
Project |
Jeff Anderson
Botany & Plant Pathology |
Suppressing Virulence Factor Production by the Plant Pathogen Pseudomonas syringae Using Natural Plant-Derived Metabolites
Nicole Anderson
Yamhill County Extension |
Spring-applied nitrogen and plant growth regulator effects on seed yield in orchard grass
Judit Barrosa
Columbia Basin Ag Research Center |
Evaluation of Occurrence of Glyphosate Resistant Russian Thistle (Salsola tragus) in Northeastern Oregon
Nahla Bassil
Horticulture - ARS |
Assessment of Aphid Resistance in Black Raspberry Germplasm and Development of Trait associated Molecular Markers for Breeding Improvement
William Buhrig
Malheur County Extension |
Can quinoa be a reliable alternative crop in Malheur County?
Tom Chastain
Crop & Soil Sciences |
Development of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy methods for rapid seed moisture testing in grass seed crops
Gita Cherian
Animal & Rangeland Science |
Identification of Early Protein Markers Expressed by Ovarian and Oviductal Surface Epithelial Neoplasias in Laying Hens (Gallus domesticus) |
Man-Yeon Choi
Horticulture - ARS |
Screening of RNAi Targets to Develop a Novel RNAi-based control method for spotted wing drosophila |
Man-Yeon Choi
Horticulture - ARS |
Development of RNAi-based bio pesticide to control slugs on agricultural crops |
Reinaldo Cooke
Impacts of Post-Weaning Growth Rate on Reproductive Development and Maternal Ability (milk production) of Replacement Beef Heifers |
Scott Duggan
Central Oregon Ag Research Center |
Effect of Clipping Heights on Yield and Quality of Simulated Management Intensive Grazing of Irrigated Pasture |
Jeremiah Dung
Central Oregon Ag Research Center |
Characterizing the Incidence and Distribution of Bacterial Blight Infestation in Individual Carrot Seeds: Can One Bad Seed Spoil the Whole Seed Lot? |
Ken Frost
Hermiston Ag Research & Extension Center |
Molecular Diet Analysis of Insects That Vector Vegetable Pathogens |
Stephen Good
Biological & Ecological Engineering |
Assessment of Crop Water Use Through Stable Isotope Analysis |
Fritzi Grevstad
Botany & Plant Pathology |
Developing a risk index to guide regulatory decisions in biological control for weeds |
Jean Hall
College of Veterinary Medicine |
Does Feeding Selenium-Enriched Alfalfa Hay for Eight Weeks Improve Performance and Health of Weaned Beef Calves? |
Chal Landgren
North Willamette Research & Extension Center |
Evaluating newer, "softer", and biological aphid control products on Christmas trees |
Jared LeBoldus
Botany & Plant Pathology |
A Test Case for Improving Disease Resistance Breeding in Trees |
Lesley Morris
Eastern Oregon Ag Research Center - Union |
Informing Fire Management Decisions for Control of Ventenata dubia in Oregon |
Lesley Morris
Eastern Oregon Ag Research Center - Union |
Does Soil Conditioning Contribute to the Invasion of Ventenata dubia in Oregon? |
Ed Peachey
Horticulture |
Improving Efficiency and Profitability in Winter Squash Production in Western Oregon: The Case of Deficit Irrigation |
Michael Qian
Food Science & Technology |
Development of Colorimetric Sensor Arrays Based on Conjugated Electrospun Fibers for Rapid Evaluation of Food Quality |
Stuart Reitz
Malheur County Extension |
Internal dry scale and associated bulb rots of onion: an emerging threat to Oregon onion producers |
Sagar Sathuvalli
Hermiston Ag Research & Extension Center |
Breeding for resistance to Columbia root knot nematode: Identification of new sources of resistance |
Thomas Sharpton
Microbiology |
The Role of the Salmon Gut Microbiome in Resisting Parasitic Infection |
Alex Stone
Horticulture |
Improving irrigation efficiency and profitability in winter squash production in Western Oregon: the case of deficit irrigation. |
Alex Stone
Horticulture |
Growing the Hull-less Pumpkin Seed Industry in Oregon: Identifying High Yielding Cultivars for Current and Future Markets |
Bernadine Strik
Horticulture |
Mulching Practices to Improve Plant Growth, Water Savings, and Soil Organic Matter Content During Establishment of Highbush Blueberry |
Clare Sullivan
Linn County Extension |
Are current recommendations too high? Examining nitrogen fertilizer needs of dry field peas in the Willamette Valley |
Fiona Tomas-Nash
Fisheries and Wildlife |
Relationships of Shellfish Culture and Seagrass Habitats in Oregon Estuaries: Quantification of Impacts and Functional Roles for Regulatory Purposes |
Vaughn Walton
Horticulture |
Determining Baseline Levels of Systemic Insecticides in Fruit, Pollen and Nectar of Blueberry |
Guojie Wang
Eastern Oregon Ag Research Center - Union |
Cover Crops After Forage Winter Triticale: Species Selection, Forage Production and Quality and Irrigation Requirement in Eastern Oregon |
David Williams
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology |
Phytochemical Supplement form Cruciferous Vegetables and Protection of the Fetus form Exposure to Carcinogens: Role of Long Non-Coding RNAs |
Tracy Wilson
Central Oregon Ag Research Center |
Utilizing Cover Crops in Carrot Seed Production |
Nik Wiman
Horticulture |
Berms for Hazelnut Plantings: A Potential Modernization With Implications for Improved Production |